We help leaders and organizations realize their full potential to become more sustainable, prosperous, and effective.
Christine Scordato
Christine Scordato
Faculty and Executive Coach
Christine Scordato is an Associate and Executive Coach with El Camino Group, LLC. For almost 30 years, her passion has been working with global leaders, senior executives, and high potentials to grow their impact. Christine focuses on working with organizations and individuals to develop powerful visions, build collaborative relationships, lead high performing teams and to create, execute and achieve business objectives aligned with organizational strategy.
Christine spent much of her career as a senior HR executive at Wellington Management and Putnam Investments. Originally trained as a researcher and consultant she brings a strong evidence-based approach to solving business problems and executive coaching. Her approach to executive development (including for investors) is rooted in cultural values, self-awareness, business strategy and succession planning needs. Embedded within the firm’s leadership group, she led global, cross-functional business teams to define strategy and then coached both leaders and teams to develop and execute actionable plans. Christine has been described as “seeing through the chaos and getting to the insights and questions that create awareness and capability.” Christine’s industry experience ranges from financial services, investment management, and hedge funds to non-profits; with the following areas of expertise: executive coaching and assessment, team coaching, organizational design, talent development and succession planning, decision-making and bias, talent development of investment professionals.
Christine is an avid learner. She is certified as both an executive coach through Columbia University and an International Systemic Team Coach with the London-based Academy of Executive Coaching and holds degrees from both Harvard University and Smith College. She’s a long-time Fellow at the Harvard Institute of Coaching.